Youth can join Troop 415 if they are:
- at least 10 years old,
- currently in the fifth grade and register on or after March 1st;
- OR have earned the Arrow of Light Award and are at least 10 years old,
- OR are age 11 but have not reached age 18
If your youth is or about to be enrolled in K-5, they are able to join Cub Scouts. We really encourage you to join Pack 88, who meet at the same location and day, just a bit earlier.
We would love to have your youth come and visit us for a meeting or two to see if we’re a good fit. The best option is to come one Wednesday at 6:45pm, have your youth introduce themself to one of the adults and we’ll connect them with a Scout to help introduce them and guide them around a meeting or two. While your Scout is off doing that, please chat with one of the adults to get more details and answer any questions you might have.
Once you’ve done that and your youth decides they want to join, the next steps are registration, uniform, and coming to meetings.
Youth registration:
- Complete the online registration form found here
- Complete and provide hard copies of BSA Health forms part A & B (choose All Scouting Events)
- choose All Scouting Events
- this needs to be completed annually and a paper copy given to the Scoutmaster
- Organise a uniform (required within 2 meetings after joining) aligned with uniform description found in Troop Expectations
- Parents complete the family survey
Adult registration:
- Complete the online registration form found here
- choose adult volunteer and use the same email you used for your youths registration
- All adults must complete Youth Protection Training (YPT) as well as Californias mandated reporter training – AB506.
- YPT – go to my.scouting.org and follow the links on the home page to complete the training. The Golden Gate Area Council requires YPT to be completed annually.
- AB506 – This is a state requirement for adults that interact with youth. Go to californiascouting.org and follow the prompts. You will need to use this site to also submit your training certificates to the Council, but please keep copies/screen grabs as backups. We are in the Golden Gate District of Golden Gate Area Council.
- Complete position specific training by going to My.scouting.org and navigating to the My Training section then Scouts BSA.
- We ask that position specific training be completed within 6 weeks of registering; as Lord Baden Powell said – ‘every scout deserves a trained leader’.
- Complete and provide hard copies of BSA Health forms part A & B
- choose All Scouting Events
- this needs to be completed annually and a paper copy given to the Scoutmaster
- Organise a uniform (required within 2 meetings after joining) aligned with uniform description found in Troop Expectations.
Note: if you need support with dues or uniform purchase, please reach out to the Scoutmaster or Troop Committee Chair to see what we can do to help.