Doing service projects together is one way that Scouts keep their promise “to help other people.” While a Scout should do his best to help other people every day, a group service project is a bigger way to help people. While you’re giving service, you’re learning to work together with others to do something that’s good for your community.
Memorial Day Flag planting @ the San Francisco National Cemetery in the Presidio – Troop 415 hosts the annual flag planting event where approx 32,000 flags are placed at the headstone of service men and women who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for their country.
San Francisco Veterans Day Parade – each year Troop 415 hosts the Scout contingent of the San Francisco Veterans day Parade honouring all the service men and women who have served in the United States Military.
San Francisco Pride Parade – Troop 415 strongly believe that ALL eligible youth and adults should be included in the Scouting community! We march in the pride parade to show our support for all LGBTQ+ members of the scouting community.
Community clean up – on a monthly basis, we work with local community groups to help keep our community clean by collecting rubbish and general beautification.